Friday, March 22, 2013

fungsi Protein dalam tubuh versi bahasa ingris

Iya’ ,……selamat datang para teman-temanku yang baik,seperti biasa saya akan mencoba member itahu atau bacaan buat teman teman semuanya agar wawasannya lebih luas!!.Iya’…….ya sudah tidak usah basa basi lagi sekarang saya akan  mencoba mempostingkan TENTANG FUNGSI PROTEIN DALAM TUBUH VERSI Bahasa Inggris ….inilah bacaannya…..eng ing eng
            Did you ever forget to have your breakfast??When everybody in your class was silent and your stomach sounded”kruyuuuuuuuuuuuuk”inside,what was going on??You were hungry !!In such a condition you felt weak and stomach gave a warning. The stomach is one of the digevtive organts that we have . there are many of them ,and they work together to digest food . the food that we eat converted into little molecules so that they can be absorbed by our intestines.
        Human and animal digestive system have many things  in common although they  have difference in terms of structure ,size and shape.These difference are due to the different types of food that they eat.these system digest the food into smaller particles called molecul.the food contains protein and fat.
        Protein can be found in dairy products such:milk,meat,eggs,cheese,as well as can also be found in plant seed.there are two source of fat :animal,and plant.Animal fat can be found in animal meat,butter,milk,fish,egg,and fish oil,whereas plant fat can be found in coconuts,nuts,avocado,etc.Fat fuctions as energy resource and supply.fat is stored under skin tissues.

Itulah bacaan dari saya tentang detailnya protein ver bahasa inggris.dan jangan lupa sering sering berkunjung kesini ya?????...............

Sekian saja ya teman teman bacaan yang saya berikan pada kali ini,semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua amiiin……O,iya jangan lupa tebak yang no1 siapa dan komentarnya ya!!!!!!!!terima kasih

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