Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Contoh Story Telling buat lomba"

Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
Good morning audience.
I would like to tell you about the MONKEY AND THE CROCODILE
          One day  there wis a monkey. He wanted to cross a river.there,he saw a crocodile ,so he asked the crocodile to take him across the other side of the river.
Monkey      :brother ,come here, please?
Crocodile   :what’s up ?
Monkey      :can you help me ,please?I want to cross the river.
Crocodile   :oke,please climb to myback.
The crocodile agree an told the monkey to jump on its back. After monkey jump on crocodile back ,the crocodile swam the river with the monkey on his top.
Unluckily,the crocodile wis very hungry he stopped in the middle of the river and said to the monkey.
Crocodile   :Im sorry monkey ,my father is sick.he has to eat the heart of the monkey . so he will be
                   Healthy again.
Monkey      :Oh,I see.
At the time,the monkey wis in dangerous situation and he had to think hard.Then he had a good idea.He told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank.
Monkey      :crocodile lets come back the river.
Crocodile   :What’s for?
Monkey      :I don’t bring my heart.I left it under a tree ,near some coconut In the river bank.
The crocodile agreed and turned around.his swam back to the bank of the soon as they reached the river  bank ,the monkey jumped of the crocodile’s back ,.then he climbed up to the top of tree.
Crocodile   :where is your heart.
Monkey      :you are foolish .my heart is not here .it is my body.I just cheat you .okey good bye,
                   Thank you.
At last ,the crocodile does’nt it the monkey is free.

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